AIGA Baltimore

Show Baltimore why you love design!

We know you love design, so now is your chance to show what you love about it to Baltimore! Check out D Center’s request for entries. They are looking for submissions for their upcoming exhibition, Network (Temporary Permanent Collection). They want a representation of what design means to you. This could be a project you worked on, an advertisement of your organization, a doodle on a napkin, a letter of support, or any kind of visual media or contribution that indicates your relationship to design.

To enter your submission, RSVP by 10/26, and include a brief description of the work (no more than 150 words) and deliver your work or arrange for it to be picked up before November 2.

D Center is located at 218 Saratoga Street storefront gallery, D Center @ MAP.

To RSVP or ask questions, contact or

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