AIGA Baltimore

Board Member Spotlight

Like most boards, the AIGA Baltimore board is comprised of 100% volunteers. So you can get to know the board and recognize some faces at our events, we are featuring board members. Today’s post focuses on Meg Marx, our Volunteer Chair!

Q. Tell us about yourself.
A. “I’m from Marinette, couldn’t be prouder. If you can’t hear me, I’ll yell a little louder!”

That’s Meg, reciting a retro cheer from her mom, a former cheerleader. She hails from Marinette, WI, forty-five minutes north of Green Bay (“Go Pack go!”) and came to Baltimore by way of Hell’s Kitchen “for love and the smell of green”—trees, that is. Meg, who once worked in a factory making all kinds of pistons, loves fine wine, kayaking, walking, and taking pictures of fireflies. She currently teaches at Towson and Stevenson Universities.

Q: What do you love about design?
A: The method behind the madness. The constant learning. You never know what you’re gonna get sideswiped with!

Q: What do you love about being on the board?
A: The connection, community, support, and interaction it provides. Plus, I can act as a liaison for my students.

Q: What part of Baltimore inspires you?
A: Station North. There’s hope and change happening there. It’s interesting when you’re driving through there not to experience the stigma that used to be attached to the area. It’s full of beautiful old buildings. I don’t experience the same caution as many lifelong Baltimore residents do because I didn’t grow up here and wasn’t exposed to the recent history of that neighborhood, but the people and sense of community in the city are inspiring. It’s a true small town feel—and I would know, I grew up in one!

Q: If Baltimore was an ice cream flavor what would it be? 
A: Rocky road, because of the awfully potholed streets. Also the water main breaks, which are an obsession. I love photographing potholes and water main breaks.

Q: Name a song that inspires you.
A: I have loved Barbara Streisand since the fourth grade!

Q: If you could travel anywhere, where would it be?
A: The Galapagos Islands. I’ve been fascinated with them since reading the “G” volume of the encyclopedia in grade school.

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