AIGA Baltimore

Revised AIGA Baltimore Chapter Bylaws: For Your Vote

Wait, I know what you’re thinking—most creatives don’t want to read a blog post with “bylaws” in the title. We know that this is not necessarily the kind of thing that gets the engines running for creatives. But as an non-profit organization that strives to support, inspire, inform, and connect the creative community of Baltimore—and especially one that wants to be transparent about how the association you support is managed—this post is necessary.

As fellow professionals, we want you to know that we welcome and encourage our membership to be involved with how AIGA Baltimore is run just as much as any board member.

The Baltimore chapter of AIGA is a non-profit organization that is supported and funded by our members and managed by volunteer board members who each commit to their role for two years. The chapter’s goals are to strengthen the value our organization brings to the Baltimore design community by:

As with many professional groups, we are regulated by our chapter bylaws, a formal document that dictates how we govern ourselves. It is a common practice for non-profits to revise their bylaws to be able to reflect the changing landscape and realities of our expanding and dynamic organization.

The AIGA Baltimore Board of Directors approved revisions to our chapter bylaws and are submitting them for approval by our membership. A two-thirds majority of all chapter members is required for the changes to the bylaws to be enacted. A non-vote is counted as affirmative. Voting will begin on Thursday, May 19, 2016, and end on Thursday, June 2, 2016, at 8 p.m. EST. Chapter members will receive an email invitation for this vote along with our annual AIGA Baltimore Board Member Slate vote. All votes are confidential.

Download and review the revised AIGA Baltimore bylaws.

While reviewing, we ask that you consider that bylaws are a framework that outline the rules and regulations of an organization, and are not intended to dictate policy or detail procedures. We welcome any and all comments via

We appreciate your support of our chapter and welcome you to be more involved. We hope to see you around our creative community of Charm City.

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