AIGA Baltimore

Warm Welcome and Thank you from Membership!

We as designers need to have the opportunity to network with different people and share our creativity, get feedback and improve our work. We may talk about current events, favorite typefaces, PMS colors (or Pantone cookies) and HTML coding or whatever is on our mind — This is something that makes each of us grow and learn as designers.

I am taking this moment to look back to last week and thank those who came out and attended our After the Holidayz party down at the Waterfront Hotel. I hope that everyone enjoyed themselves, and enjoyed the food, music and of course the company. Their were many new faces and some regular ones as well. I enjoyed meeting and speaking to each person and I hope that everyone enjoyed mixing with different people and taking a fresh step into the new year. As the membership chair I want to make sure that your voice is heard and that all of our members are getting the experience that they deserve. Because without you there would be no AIGA Baltimore.

So Please if there is anything you want to share or have a concern about shoot me an email: I would be happy to help.

I am raising my glass to the new, the seasoned veterans, and those that are thinking about becoming a member, Thank you for being/becoming part of our community and help me grow and be inspired.


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