Like most boards, the AIGA Baltimore board is comprised of 100% volunteers. So you can get to know the board and recognize some faces at our events, we are featuring board members. Today’s post focuses on Rachel Beser, our Membership Chair!
Q. Tell us a little about yourself.
A. I was born outside Philly and grew up in Baltimore county. I have family in Baltimore…grandparents, cousins, aunts, and uncles. I currently work as a Web and Social Media Specialist creating and maintaining public websites for our biggest client, the U.S. Army. I enjoy board games, taking walks, and reading. Some of the best books are the ones I judged by their cover. Vaclav & Lena has a beautiful cover and a touching story. I’m in to cooking—currently dabbling in fritatas. I also like exploring cities and finding inspiration, going away from the path to see where it takes you.
Q. What do you love about design?
A. I love that design is everywhere and tactile. You see design when you wake up and when you get out of bed and how the earth itself is designed. I love that there are so many different perspectives you can pull from and create something completely different. Design thinks about art and function as well. A lot of people can be designers thinking both with the right and left brain. It is always evolving.
Q. What do you like about being on the AIGA Baltimore board?
A. I like that I can give back to the community. I have met designers, mentors, and like-minded individuals, and AIGA is a way I can volunteer and give back.
Q. Name a song that inspires you.
A. I like the song Baltimore – Caleb and Saleem. The song speaks to the truth of Baltimore. We are a vibrant and innovative city with a down to earth feel. It also speaks the truth that we unify classes with music, arts, and culture in the best ways possible. This song goes on full blast!
Q. If you were a font what would you be?
A. I would be Aldine Expanded, because its a western retro font. I feel like its more modern and curvy, and feels homey and excepting, a place that is old and comfortable but surprises you.
Q. If you could paint the world with one color, name that Pantone.
A. PMS 377. Soy based and environmentally friendly.