The Design Entrepreneur
“What’s next?” is the perennial question without a satisfactory answer. Rather than address the concept of print being dead or graphic design no longer being graphic, Steven Heller, author of over 130 books on design and popular culture, whose forthcoming book is “POP: How Graphic Design Shapes Popular Culture,” will discuss his nominee for “what’s next” and “what’s now,” Design Entrepreneurism. As co-founder and co-chair (with Lita Talarico) of the School of Visual Arts MFA Designer as Author, he believes creating unique and valuable content is where graphic design – indeed all kinds of design – is heading. The alternative to D.I.Y. (Design It Yourself) is conceive it, make it, produce it and sell it yourself.
Steven Heller is co-chair of the MFA Designer as Author and co-founder of the MFA Interaction, MFA in Design Criticism, MPS in Branding and MFA Social Documentary Film programs at the School of Visual Arts. He is the “Visuals” columnist for the New York Times Book Review and writes the “Graphic Content” column for the New York Times T-Style blog. He is the editor of the VOICE: The AIGA Journal of Design online, and writes The Daily Heller online for Print Magazine.