If you’ve ever wondered what AIGA is, or what we and our members do, you’ve got a great opportunity coming up: our 2nd Annual Open Board Meeting! Join us at Heavy Seas Alehouse on Monday, June 8, for a no-pressure way to find out more about AIGA and its role in the Baltimore design community with fellow designers.
During our Open Board Meeting, you'll learn how our chapter functions and how the board makes decisions that affect member services and programming. You can also find out how to get involved with AIGA as a volunteer or board member. Without the support, time, and energy of our volunteers (including all of our board members!) we would be unable to present so many great events to our community.
Meeting Schedule:
7:00 pm Doors open, networking and social time
7:15 pm Board meeting begins, attendees are invited to observe
7:45 pm State of the Chapter presentation
8:00 pm Open forum, attendees are invited to participate
Have questions or suggestions for us? Take this short, informal survey and we’ll attempt to address your feedback during the Open Forum portion of the evening.
This event is free for all but please register to reserve your seat. Parking is available on the surrounding streets or in nearby garages. Heavy Seas Alehouse is also convenient to the MTA Bus and Charm City Circulator Bus Routes.
Don’t miss this event! We look forward to seeing you there.