Together we can make a huge impact.
Over the next four years, AIGA will allocate $1 million toward new and exciting projects through AIGA chapters across the country. If you’ve always wished AIGA Baltimore could participate or that your local design community was more involved, AIGA Innovate is the way to get those great ideas off the ground.
During this relaxed happy hour brainstorming session, we want to hear your ideas and learn more about want you want to see from AIGA Baltimore. Come and make your ideas known!
If you are unable to attend the event, but still have ideas or questions related to the Innovate grant applications, please contact
About Innovate
Think outside—but also inside—the box.
We want your ideas to blow our minds, but like all grant applications, there are a few goals to keep in mind. Proposed projects must:
- Support AIGA’s mission and strategic framework
- Demonstrate innovation and inspiration
- Meet a need for the chapter, its members, or community
- Offer tools, resources, or strategies to enhance chapter activities and facilitate active member participation
- Become self-sustaining after the initial funding
- Demonstrate the capacity to be shareable and scalable among AIGA’s 70 chapters
Want examples? View the proposals funded in 2015!
Get to know your chapter
If you’re not already friendly with AIGA Baltimore’s board of directors, now’s the time to get to know them. Members must work with their chapter to develop their project proposals and—if funded—implement their projects. If you’re not sure who to contact at your chapter, we’re happy to put you in touch—just email
Download and read the information packet
An updated informational PDF for AIGA Innovate 2016 is now available here. In it, you'll find additional details like application information, funding criteria, selection processes, deadlines, and more. Please read this in full and pay special attention to the deadlines before applying.
This event is free. Myth & Moonshine is convenient to MTA Bus Routes, and street parking is available on nearby streets.