The National Poster Retrospecticus is a traveling show of more than 300 hand-printed event posters from more than 100 of the most prominent poster designers in the United States. Celebrate the made-by-hand aesthetic of the poster and join us for a talk from designer Daniel Danger.
Daniel Danger
Daniel Danger is an illustrator and printmaker working out of Boston, Massachusetts. The son of a middle school art teacher and a professional potter, Daniel was never going to become a mathematician or claims adjuster. Amidst old houses dead from the fallout of urban sprawl, railway bridges asleep from neglect, and trees that engulf everything; his work attempts to remind you of something you may have said to someone, or something someone may have said to you. Back in that time period that’s just too far away to remember clearly, but not so long ago you forgot about it completely. His memories and many of his friends are simply ghosts now, shaking him awake with mistimed alarm clocks and the sounds of a television from across the house. So, he documents to get through the day, because things are always changing and it’s easy to lose yourself in the constant flux.
Daniel runs Tiny Media Empire, a production and design company based out of Boston, MA. TME focuses on fine art screenprints, official limited-run posters for movies and bands, and video production design. He plays baritone guitar in the band A City Safe From Sea on Magic Bullet records; he plays bass in the band IDNOCLIP; and he records music solo under the name Caspermask. Due to a lack of personal vices, Daniel has one of the world’s largest collections of vintage Electro Harmonix effects pedals and fancies himself quite an expert on the topic. His cat is named after internet slang.

The National Poster Retrospecticus 2015 Select Works
JP Boneyard
John Boilard is a designer and front-end developer based in Austin, TX. He produces art and music events and he screen prints under the name JP Boneyard. JP got his start setting up music events and screen printing posters in his hometown of Palmer, MA. A graduate of the Massachusetts College of Art and Design, JP loves the need for creative problem solving that comes along with everything from coding a website to setting up a cross country art tour to printing a poster. JP is currently part of the design team at The IBM Mobile Innovation Lab where he is known as one of the studio’s “consummate craftsmen”.
Join us on Friday, October 16th for the Art Talk and Opening Night for the National Poster Retrospecticus Exhibit at Stevenson University School of Design Gallery.